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Message to Moderator

Dear Moderator, My name is Grace Ryan Candidate 1616, and welcome to my OCR A2 Media Studies blog. This is a record of the work undertaken as part of the G325 A2 Advanced Portfolio within the OCR GCS course in Media Studies. I worked with a partner to produce a music video in the pop genre. The project lasted six months, commencing in September 2017 and finishing in March 2018. I hope you enjoy my work and find it both successful and interesting. Please use the navigation bar to access my work as organised into labels. There is also a link to the School's blog hub and my other classmates' blogs.
Recent posts

Final Music Video

Below is my final music video:

Ancillary Task- Magazine advert

Below is my Magazine Advert:

Ancillary Task- Website

Below is my Website: your browser does not support IFRAMEs

Evaluation 1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Below is the script: At A2, the music video brief meant that our research of real media texts had to be much more extensive and on a larger scale. My group and I watched a huge range of films from the dance genre, especially Sia’s, ‘Chandelier’, but most significantly many Beyoncé’s music videos, including ‘Halo’ and ‘What now’. However, watching so many music videos from this genre, led me to notice the difference between narrative and performance. This led us to do a considerably larger amount of research- looking into different types of music videos to identify typical media conventions, which is much less genre defined as A2.   Therefore, like ‘What now’, our music video had a combination of both performance and narrative, which put a distinctly contemporary spin on our music video. However, our researched was not just limited to one genre, like it was at AS. Watching other music video’s like Miley Cyrus’ ‘Malibu’ and Goyte’s ‘Somebody that I used to know’, we d...

Evaluation 3- What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback has been a crucial part to the creation and development of my music video. From initial ideas to the final editing stages. In order to receive the most accurate and useful audience feedback I created a target audience and demographic- young women ages 14-25. Pre-Production Firstly, audience Feedback became important during the pre-production and research stages of creating my media product. In order to gain an understanding on what our target audience expected and wanted to see in our music video I interviewed five members of my target audience. I answered them a series of questions including what there hobbies where, what type/genre of music they currently listen to, and what they would expect to see in our music video. I received contrasting opinions on the colour and tone of the music video. One in particular said they would expect to see bright and vibrant colours to make the video more visually appealing. Contrastingly, others said they would expect to see...